Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sarasota Again Ranks No. 1

Boy, we just keep raking in the accolades. What a great place to live.

Finally we rank higher than Miami! We hold the title for the most number of new or planned condos per resident, anywhere in this condo crazy market. We have a condo for every 19 people. Miami trails with a measly one condo for every 24 people. It makes me feel claustrophobic just thinking about having 23 other people in a condo with me. I need a little more breathing room.

In the good old days we were satisfied with a car for every garage and a chicken in every pot. But the here the bar has been raised! Is this a great place to live or what? We need to keep pushing for a condo for every resident! And let's make it a million $ one while we're at it!

The story says:

Condos priced from $400,000 to $800,000 have been flying off the shelf, but real estate agents warn that sector might cool next year when construction is completed on nearly 1,000 new units.

This is a much better vision than a mere chicken flying off the shelf. Our marketing profession has truly worked wonders o'er these last few years. Nothing is resistible anymore.

I mean, just look at this related story. Here we find that the former owner of the Dallas Mavericks - he's a regular guy, unlike his former team - came to visit our storyland city one day a couple years ago. He stayed at the newly built Ritz and loved it so much he immediately bought a condo for himself and his wife, right in the Ritz Towers, next to the hotel. And then, because he really, really liked it, he bought 16 more! That's right, 16 more. What a guy!

Talk about condo's flying off the shelf. No squawks from the chickens this time.

Now this is a vision we should all aspire to. Not a mere one condo for yourself and 18 close friends, but 17 condos all for your self. This should give the maids plenty of time to spiff things up between stopovers.

So hey y'all, come on down to Florida. The land of dreams. Have we got a vision? You bet. You want a condo, or 17? We got 'em. Come on down and we'll put a smile on your face. Don't forget, Sarasota's No 1.

Disclaimer: no chickens allowed.

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