Monday, September 05, 2005

Model Improvement

A "model improvement" in understanding downtown Sarasota, at least from a visual perspective may come from a recent series in the Chicago Sun Times concerning changes in downtown Chicago.

When we look for information on the City web page we find this:

No other sources give a good visual depiction of what downtown currently looks like or what is proposed. Something like the graphics published by the Sun Times would go a long way toward helping all of us visualize the changes occurring.

There seems to be much resistance from the City to allow the CRA Advisory Board member, who was specifically selected because of his design expertise, to actually comment on design. What we get to see are the fantasy drawings supplied by the developers which are specifically produced to give a visualization that does not correspond to reality.

It would serve Sarasota well if someone (the City, the media?) would provide realistic visualizations, understandable by all.

The next step would be actual 3- dimensional models, built to scale.

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