Sunday, April 10, 2005

Speculating About Homes and Taxes in a Hot Market

An interesting article in the SHT today about part time residents that own property, complaining about the rapidly upward escalation of real estate taxes. The cap on real estate tax that permanent residents enjoy is causing non-homestead owners to make their dissatisfaction known.

It seems that every new property owner contributes to the issue, as speculators and well intentioned visitors bid higher and higher for the available homes, the values and therefore the taxes go higher and higher.

Non-residents ask why should the permanent residents get the advantage at the expense of all others. Although I did not live here in 1992 when the "Save Our Homes" law was passed, it was done to protect those on limited incomes from the rapid escalation brought by speculation and inflation. Seems like it is doing that. Anyone is free to establish Florida residency and thereby take advantage of this law.

Previous articles in the press have talked about some resident feeling they are "trapped" in their current home, since they also would face much higher property taxes if the sold their current home and moved to a different one.

One can only speculate about all the ramifications.

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