Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Interesting Quotations

A couple of interesting quotations from New Urbanist resources:

David Mohney Dean, College of Design University of Kentucky: "The most important task of the urbanist is controlling size."

Andres Duany: "Amateurs accustomed to emulation made great places. It is the professionals of recent decades that have ruined our cities and our landscapes with their inventions."

Vince Graham (developer): "Hilton Head island is 30 thousand acres and is choking on one million tourists a year. Charleston is one thousand acres and gracefully absorbs 5.5 million tourists a year."

What could Sarasota be with continued resident involvement? In order to keep our livable, small town atmosphere, we need input from everyone. Participating in the local government process is the key to a future Sarasota that may be more like Charleston than Hilton Head. We all need to keep our decision makers informed of our vision for Sarasota. Take the time to get involved. In the long run, it will be well worth it.

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