Monday, May 02, 2005

Laurel Park's Future

Save Our Sarasota supports the Laurel Park Neighborhood Association Board’s position that the recently completed zoning designation RSM-9 is more appropriate for Laurel Park then the DTN zoning being proposed for consideration in the E.A.R. process.

We believe Downtown Neighborhood zoning would increase density and building heights, diminish the neighborhood’s vital tree canopy, increase traffic on narrow streets, hasten the destruction of historic homes, and compromise the quality of life in this residential neighborhood.

A city treasure has been preserved and enhanced by an exemplary neighborhood rehabilitation. We believe rezoning to DTN will jeopardize the great accomplishments that have been achieved in Laurel Park and urge you to retain the RSM-9 zoning.

As an important aside, we note when Andres Duany was last here (meeting with the architects), he made the comment that every ten years you go to the neighborhoods surrounding the urban center and ask if they are ready for more density. [not impose, just ask]. Per Duany's advice, Laurel Park has been asked and they have replied "No!"


Anonymous said...

Third paragraph of the May 2 blog on Laurel Park. Please change zoning designation to RSM-9

Thanks a bunch. Spudo

SOS1 said...

Done. Typo's creep in unannounced.