Tuesday, March 29, 2005

An Excellent Street

An exerpt from the Downtown Master Plan developed by Andres Duany:

"An excellent frontage is one that provides a high level of positive stimulus and interaction for the pedestrian. Buildings form a continuous edge, generally up against the outer edge of the rightof-way, with large expanses of glass for pedestrians to see what is happening inside, and a constant sense of give-and-take between inside and outside. In an ideal setting, the bay width of the buildings along the street is relatively narrow, with a range and variety of stores, shops and other uses filling these bays. Restaurants and other uses might spill out onto the sidewalk creating open-air cafes, galleries and other attractions. Landscaping is prevalent, but does not dominate the setting, and does not prevent the pedestrian from getting close to the buildings, storefronts and display windows."

The picture (Sarasota's Main St) above is also from the Master Plan and is titled "Example of an excellent street frontage". Note the trees, the covering provided by the awning/gallerie, and lack of an arcade reaching to the curb. It makes for a very inviting street.

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